By Taish23
United Kingdom
My first 6 chrysanthemums are now about 8 inches tall but have bends in their stems. I'm use to seeing them just grow straight and upward. Is this a problem and can I remedy it? They seem to be pretty strong so I'm not sure if just straightening to a cane would work or damage them.
- 29 May, 2011
The ones i grow in the ground will do this on some stems, you'll find they strengthen, develop and flower as normal.
This is no help if you're growing them to show though is it, so sorry if that IS the case.
29 May, 2011
No they aren't for show.......hope I don't catch that bug lol. My Grandfather use to grow them and my Mother loved seeing them. I grow loads of veg and other stuff so thought I would give these a go.
The pots have been out in the open and no need for them to 'reach' for sunlight. I am use to turning the pots of a few other things I grow.
As long as they are still going to grow and flower then I'm happy.....for now lol I'm sure once I have grown my first ones I'll become addicted and want better and better!
Thanks ever so much for your replies :O)
30 May, 2011
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Have you got them in a situation where they get light primarily from one side? This could have caused the bending. I'm not sure you can get to straighten up completely now. When growing seedlings on it is important to turn the pot a quarter turn every day to prevent this.
29 May, 2011