By Sheilar
Sunderland Tyne and Wear,
United Kingdom
Not a question but - yahoo it's raining!!!! quite heavy too!! Hope it's enough to soak the garden.
30 May, 2011
Yes its raining here in South Wales, drizzle though. Your quite welcome to it now cos I wanna go out the garden, got things to do.
30 May, 2011
We've had rain now most of the month. Sorry, but here in w. wales i'm Fed up with the wind and rain, I'm hoping we have a fairly dry summer this year for a change.
31 May, 2011
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The weather forecast says it should rain here in the south east too, but the sun is shining again. I remember the days when we moaned about how much rain we had! My husband has just told me it's raining in Wales so hope the wind is blowing in our direction.
30 May, 2011