How is everyones weather today.
By Scotkat
Very drecih wet day here all day and dark with it.
Bought nice yarn so part knitting and rest crochet .
Ground cold and wet and so many slippy leaves on paths etc.
8 Nov, 2008
Not too bad in the East Midlands today. Quite windy, sunny spells this afternoon and the odd drizzly shower. Dry at the moment but is this the "lull before the storm".
8 Nov, 2008
Quite a good, mild day in Somerset, a few rays of sun, too! - but the wind picked up and the rain started about 6 o'clock. It's blowing a gale now, wind screaming round the house! We are in for torrents this evening.
8 Nov, 2008
started off lovely here this morning Kath, but then this afternoon is a=starting raining heavily and the wind picked up again. there was a mini tornado in Waterford today, no damage reported
8 Nov, 2008
Hello Kath ~
Previous two afternoons I was outside scrubbing pavings, but I just couldn't force myself out there today. Windy, damp and uninviting. :o(
So I gave my dog a bit more of a haircut which was much more important and much more cosy. :o)
I hope all is well with you.
8 Nov, 2008
Grey/damp in Worcs and West Midlands. I find that the shorter days we have now mean that I struggle to get out into the garden. I was even wondering about doing a mini-blog about moonlit gardening activities.
Mind you, I could have shaved half an hour off my wandering round the monthly farmers' market in the High St this afternoon. Ahem.
8 Nov, 2008
Just remembered something which tickled my fancy. A caller at work (I'm mostly answering phone enquiries etc) told me recently that the weather in the Scottish Highlands was so wet they had a special word for it in Gaelic. I asked him how to spell it and he said he was unsure but guessed at DRUICKIT. It means that it's raining so much even your underwear gets wet!
It made my day.
Any northernmost GOYers heard of this one?!
8 Nov, 2008
Yes this a brilliant scots word and to day its bla-in :) wild gale force freezin cauld winds.
Lots oh gairdins carpets oh leaves:)
10 Nov, 2008
Scotkat, this brings back happy memories of living in Aberdeen for a while and 1) singing along to the "Singing Kettle" songs from Fife with our kids when they were tiny, and 2) watching The Beechgrove Garden, what a programme! and what a lovely themetune, wonder if it's changed cos that was 10 yrs ago!
We used to reckon that as poor Sassenachs we understood less than half of what the presenters were saying. But still, it was just brilliant. Less of yr designer tosh, more trying to plant something with schoolkids on the side of a cliff in the middle of a howling gale. Fabulous stuff, real gardening.
11 Nov, 2008
Good Mornin fae a born and bred Aberdeen quine dina bide there now.
Wis maarried in Stonie .
Its eaier spikin then typin Scots twang.
At leaset does not mater for spell checker.
:)Nae si windy they day infact looks as i tmay be a bonnie day.
11 Nov, 2008
?? Kath??
(Only kidding really - I could just about translate it!!)
11 Nov, 2008
Barbra says Good Morning from born and bred Aberdeen girl dont stay there now.
Was married in Stonehaven .
its easier speaking than typing Scots language.
At least it does not matter for spell checker.
:) Not so windy today looks as it may be a beautiful day which it has.
Took a nice drive to see my FIL who is 90 today.
11 Nov, 2008
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Hi Scotkat,
It's been bucketing down all day in the Thames Valley, flooded roads everywhere.
Just miserable, too wet to be outside.
8 Nov, 2008