By Notepad
Suffolk/Norfolk border,
United Kingdom
Can anyone help me regarding Himalayan Jasmine. I seem to find little about them, neither have I seen them about. I must have pruned it wrongly last year because now it is quite bushy below with tall stems sort of sticking up here and there, looking rather queer. I don't mind it growing tall but I do need to restrict it's spread.
Also, when would be the time to take a cutting. My present plant came from a cutting I took yonks ago and it was very much touch and go. This time, though, I have promised a cutting to a friend so I want to succeed.
31 May, 2011
I know this as Jasmine humile - left to its own devices, it gets very large indeed. I've taken cuttings successfully from these - you need semi ripe cuttings with a heel, though they sometimes root anyway without the heel, dip in hormone rooting powder, put into seed/cutting compost and sand mix, and, in my case, I popped the pots into a cut-down-at-the-front cardboard box and covered the whole thing with a large plastic bag and left it in a shady spot in the garden - the weather was hot at the time for a couple of weeks, and they all took well. Did it end of May, so about now really if you can find suitable growth.
31 May, 2011