By Ena4bain
United Kingdom
bought 4 impatiens hawkeri which I planted in separate pots.they have all started to shrivel up,leaves are turning brown and flowers falling off! what am I doing wrong?
31 May, 2011
Hi Ena4bain,
I hope I am not stating the obvious, but have you been watering enough?
Up here in Scotland it is too dry even though we have had quite a bit of rain and from what I can gather from other members postings they say they are having a drought in the south. You don't say where you are.
31 May, 2011
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Did you leave them outside? Were they outside when you bought them? Unfortunately, you haven't said where you are in the UK, but if where you are has been a bit chilly lately (it certainly has here in London, specially overnight) then that could be the problem - if they were under cover when you bought them, they would have needed hardening off. The other obvious problem might be not enough water?
31 May, 2011