The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Wet Weather

Surrey, United Kingdom

I keep rainfall records, here in Surrey. Does anyone else do this in other parts of the U.K. I have recorded to adte this year 24.5 inches (612millilitres) I would be interested to compare.



Would love to doctorbob, what do you use to collect rainfall and how do you measure it?

9 Nov, 2008


Hi Andy,
There are a number of cheap raingauges which you can buy from garden centres from about £5-£6.
You put these into the ground and when it rains it collects in the gauge and there are measurements on the side to tell you how much you have collected. imperial and metric.
If you want to get a more advanced one there are lots if you google raingauges some are very expensive. I don't know how much you would like to spend, or you could put it on your Xmas list. LOL.
I've got one that I can read from indoors, saves getting wet.

9 Nov, 2008


Hi Doctorbob1 my Husband keeps records of rain fall every year and from January 1st to end of October we have had so far 35.25 inches our local average is roughly about 1 mtr. We are situated in the Vale of Glamorgan South Wales. the records for us since 1996 are as follows:-
1996- 34 1/16th inches
1997 42.5 2000 - 51.1 2003 - 31.75
1998 - 52.6 2001 - 37.5 2004 - 40.5
1999 - 45.75 2002 - 47.1 2005 - 36.5
2006 - 39.1 2007 - 43.5 so with this year so far 35.25 I should immagine we are heading for the 40's again. so we seem to be well over our area avarage this last 10 yrs. mind it is supprising how it varies within a 10 miles radious. Sorry I have made a bit of a mess of laying it out!

9 Nov, 2008

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