United Kingdom
Hi everyone, I hope someone could shed a little light on a problem I seem to be having with my tom' plants. I have been growing Toms' for around 16 years and have never come across the problems I am experiencing this year. All was well with the plants until 3 weeks ago when the top growth of the plants became floppy and started wilting! I have been watering them correctly and they have had a feed, they don't seem to want to take too much water so have stopped watering at present. They are in a well known compost (westland mutipurpose) I have taken one of the plants out to inspect it and they are forming adequate roots and have no bugs on the plant and nothing nasty is present in the compost. I am totally baffled!! It has affected all 20 my plants so am really frustrated and would appreciated any advice as I am baffled. The best of it is I set seed for other people and the plants they have had off me are fine!! Is it pointing to the compost or what!!! Any suggestions would be much appreciated as I cant do with out my home grown crop of toms!!!! My fathers plants are the same and he has used the same compost as m self. The toms plant varieties are Vanessa and Ferline, which I always grow.
3 Jun, 2011
I Bought the compost from a large garden centre close to home, I have used this compost before but did notice this year when I bought the second batch that it didn't look as good as the first lot (it was a lot drier). I will do what you recommend and keep my fingers crossed and I will be expressing my concerns when I next visit the garden centre to see if they have any futher comments from other disatisfied customers! Thanks for your help!
4 Jun, 2011
Previous question
it suggests that it is the compost at fault. where did you get it from?
a couple of years ago there was a problem with recycled compost from some councils. This was due to agri-herbicides being composted and affecting subsequent plants.
Try repotting in fresh compost .
3 Jun, 2011