Avid_gardener's Profile

About me
I live in the heart of England in the East Midlands, I have been gardening for around 18 years and am learning all the time! I first started to seriously garden when I moved into my home in 1988. My grand father was an avid gardener and when he past away my father took his place and took over his garden, growing both flowers and vegetables. When my grandmother past away my father past my grandfathers wooden greenhouse onto to me and there it started!! serious!! I have never looked back I find so much joy in my garden and also sometimes disappointment when things don't always go to plan, but hay ho that's gardening! I grow both flowers and have a veg plot on my neighbours garden as she hates gardening. Don't have to travel too far to my allotment!
My Grand father always grew a red pelagonium and between my father and myself we have kept them going to this day! Taking cuttings every year. My other passion is jam making and relish making, which I suppose you could combine with gardening. From february to October all my time is taken in the garden, so unfortunately don't always have too much time for the computer. The remaining months is looking after the plants in the Green house that I am overwintering!
I love to grow a tomato called 'Vanessa' it's quite a big tom but lasts very well on the vine without going to ripe, up to 2 weeks infact.
Well i'm all computered up now so its back to the garden as the rain has past and the sun is shining. hope you enjoyed my blog - Avid_gardener!
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Joined in Mar 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Derbyshire