Unknown Plant
By Deida51
United Kingdom
Can anybody identify this plant? Belongs to a friend,the only information I've got is that the leaves feel like velved.
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12 Nov, 2008
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I too thought verbascum Janet. Bit late in the year (my V. Arctic summer is well asleep but my others are still healthy but not flowering). But until the flower appears (and it may not this late) impossible to say which one, except it is not Arctic summer. No white floss on leaves.
12 Nov, 2008
Yes it is definitely a verbascum, could be Thapsus?.
12 Nov, 2008
Thank you all for your help,very much appreciated
12 Nov, 2008
It is definately a vabascum they grow wild down with us although we are on the clay, we find them growing where there are piles of stones and rough ground. I am pretty sure it is the Verbascum bombyciferum (huge white wooly basal leaves may be up to 15 inches long. It is sold sometimes under the name of Verbascum Broussa. It flowers in Summer but who knows this year many plants seems to be flowering and fruiting out of season.
12 Nov, 2008
Thank you Telme8 for your information..very helpful
13 Nov, 2008
This type of Verbascum (we call it wooly mullein) is a wild flower that grows in very clay soils and has yellow flowers. That is the flower bud at the top there. I like them for the interesting fuzzy leaves. My hubby loves to call these "Hairy Holligans"!
13 Nov, 2008
Thanks Wohlibuli..agree with your hubby..not seeing the plant in full bloom..looks like a hairy holligan
13 Nov, 2008
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It looks like a Verbascum, but I don't know which variety.
12 Nov, 2008