By Splodge
Have recently planted some 2m gold crest trees, all appear to have gone brown, could they all be dead or I've read about windburned, is it worth me persevering with them, any advice appreciated
3 Jun, 2011
Thanks for the reply, a few of them appear to have a small amount if new growth on the tips of branches, will these come back in time, others with no green at all shall I just take out?
4 Jun, 2011
Unfortunately, once you've got brown growth, it doesn't green up again in those areas, just carries on growing at the tips. Up to you whether you take them out or not.
4 Jun, 2011
Ok thanks.
4 Jun, 2011
Not a great time of year to plant conifers, too difficult trying to keep them watered sufficiently - this is either a water problem (drought at the roots) or possibly windburn, but that usually only causes brown ends to the needles, not the whole thing to go brown, so much more likely to be heat and drought.
3 Jun, 2011