By Flowergirly
United Kingdom
I have 3 Queen Elizabeth bare root roses which I bought in December last year. As I was gong on holiday over Christmas I gave them to my father to look after. 5 months on and they haven't got any leaves on them but the roots have grown. We followed the instructions on the bag they came in.
I wonder if they got frosted as we had very heavy snow during December and January so I couldn't pot them up straight away.
Am I doing anything wrong?
3 Jun, 2011
Hold on, I note you say 'pot them up...' so I assume they're in pots then? I still want to know how you know the roots have grown, and how quickly they were planted, but also, where were they kept over winter?
3 Jun, 2011
Sorry, I need to clarify things a bit - first, how do you know the roots have grown? Secondly, what are they planted in? And did your father plant them as soon as possible after delivery?
3 Jun, 2011