By Deadhead
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Looking for groundcover perennials ,some low growing, but some with flower about 18 inches tall,would like spikes to be feathery.plot is approx 3x3 metres .Very sunny spot.chalky soil.
6 Jun, 2011
Whoops! Double post! Sorry. My computer crashed & the dog ate my homework.
6 Jun, 2011
Thank you,shall i a nice time now finding your suggestions on this site to see what colour mix i could make.No supper for the dog!
6 Jun, 2011
Phlox subulata 'emerald blue', Phlox sublata 'Candy stripe', Ajuga Valfredda, Aubretia, Dianthus such as 'arvernensis' and 'La Bourboule'
Take a look at ground cover plants on Goypeadia lots of photo ideas there also alpine is a good page to look at too.
6 Jun, 2011
In addition to those fine choices already mentioned, Ajuga reptans and Lamium maculatum are two of my favourite low-growing groundcover plants - also try Heuchera for a more mound-forming habit. Astilbes have attractive plumes of flowers, usually pink, red or white, and make good (deciduous) groundcover.
6 Jun, 2011
I thought Lamium maculatum liked shade AP?
6 Jun, 2011
Thank you all so much.Lots of good information.'Annies plant' I can imagine the effect,can't wait now to make selection and get busy.
6 Jun, 2011
I have always loved osteospermum and they seem to grow well in sunny positions and spread well.
7 Jun, 2011
Oops, you're right Drc726, I didn't read the post properly. Doh!
7 Jun, 2011
7 Jun, 2011
Previous question
Dianthus species like chalky soil. Hardy geraniums, veronicas, the small campanulas like C.poscharskyana, which I find is indestructible. Persicaria species such as P. affinis meet the description of what you're looking for. Personally, I don't like ornamental grasses, but they would fit the bill for you with feathery flower spikes. There are stripey ones, and bunny tail ones.
6 Jun, 2011