Hi I have a Cosmoc chocomocha what is the best way to look after it and do you have to cut it back cheers
By Oldcrock
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi I have a Cosmos chocomocha what is the best way to look after it and do you have to cut it back cheers
6 Jun, 2011
Cosmos chocamocha is different to the annual Cosmos that you're growing Giroffle. Chocolate cosmos is a tender perennial - the flowers smell of chocolate.
You need to cut it back in autumn, Oldcrock, and lift the tubers. Keep them frost free and you can replant next spring. I've seen advice that it is possible to overwinter it in the garden if you cover the plant. I tried this (in mild, temperate Cornwall) and lost the plant. You will need to take it indoors or into a frost free greenhouse.
Oh, and it needs full sun, with a moist, well drained soil. Not asking much, is it! ;-)
6 Jun, 2011
terribly sorry...got it all wrong there...I'll now stand in the corner with my back to you all ;-)
6 Jun, 2011
perfect example of where "you should keep your gob shut and let people think you are a fool, rather than open it and prove it" ;-)
6 Jun, 2011
My previous Chocolate Cosmos was left out in a pot all Winter two years ago ... not surprisingly it died off! I now have a C. chocamocha in a pot outdoors ... it will definitely be coming in for this Winter. I just dead head regularly and it keeps flowering on . . . .
6 Jun, 2011
Don't worry Giroffle. It's very confusing when members of the same plant family turn out so different. Just like people, really. :-)
Chocolate cosmos is gorgeous, if you can keep it alive.
6 Jun, 2011
Ha Ha ! So true...just as well you stepped in...I know now..thanks ;-)
6 Jun, 2011
No probs, you're welcome :-)
6 Jun, 2011
Hi Beatie, Giroffle,Shirley tulip, thank you for all your comments on cosmos chocamocha,it is good to know other people out ther who know as little as I do about gardening and flowers, plants etc we can all make mistakes can't we Giroofle cheers :0-))))
7 Jun, 2011
7 Jun, 2011
7 Jun, 2011
Hi Oldcrock...lucky you to have a chocomocha...I have the pink variety in the border and deadhead them when the flowers wilt...I think they are spreaders and self-seed..but can be put to border or pots...anywhere really..and kept watered...
...I stand corrected on this...should anyone more experienced member wish to advise...but all the google images seem to convey that they can be planted anywhere
Kind Rgds
6 Jun, 2011