United Kingdom
Do any of you keen rose growers have one called Charles F Warren after my Grandad? It was raised around 1960 by Oliver Mee and is a hybrid tea with rose-pink petals and a strong fragrance. It is a cross between Wilfrid Pickes and Karl Herbst.
I would love to hear from anyone who has one of my Granda's roses or may know someone who may have it.
I posted this question on 14th May and followed up on the replies. The NRS suggested I asked again if any gardener may have this rose.
7 Jun, 2011
Have you asked the rose-growing companies? Or your local garden centre might look it up for you, especially one specialising in roses. There must be a record of this rose somewhere! I seem to remember you wanted it for a wedding bouquet so I do hope you find one in time. Good luck!
7 Jun, 2011
Didnt you ask this same question on the 14th May?
7 Jun, 2011