By Esverne12
United Kingdom
Moving Myrrhis odorata.
Hi, I have moved to a new garden with a severe bindweed (Convulvulus) problem--there is hardly anything else in the garden! I try to keep my use of chemicals very low as I have small children, and anyway a proprietary chemical weedkiller has killed off the top growth but not the thick yellow bindweed rhizomes. It's quite satisfying slowly removing them by hand (my garden is tiny) and I only want to keep one plant, sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata). But I have been unable to find out whether you can lift and replant sweet Cicely, or when this should be done, so I can tackle what runs underneath. All advice very welcome...
8 Jun, 2011
Remember, Bindweed doesn't grow in the lawn, so constant chopping off the tops, as soon as you see them, will weaken it. It's a long job but it can be controlled. Just as well that it's a small garden!! It also, probably will try to creep back in under next doors fence etc! So be wary of re-invasion!
8 Jun, 2011
Thanks so much to both of you for the helpful ideas!
11 Jun, 2011
Now there's a person after my own heart, you're doing exactly what I'd do, and I agree, it is very satisfying drawing out long lengths of ghastly root. You will probably get regrowth next year though, and if that happens after you've already replanted, stick in bamboo canes, let it climb up that and then, when there's a good bit of growth, spray or a paint it with glyphosate (there's really no choice) but without getting it on surrounding plants. Left alone, it should travel back to the root and kill it, but its a constant battle with the stuff.
As for the Cicely, this seeds itself quite readily, so worth gathering seed from the spent flowers if you can, otherwise, you'll have to wait till autumn to dig it out and extract bindweed roots.
8 Jun, 2011