By Stinking
North Wales,
United Kingdom
Hi all,
Last winter we lost our palm tree, but now it has started to sprout again from the base of the tree, what is best way to save the new growth so we can start again with our tree.
Thank you all, Ann & Tony Eaves
8 Jun, 2011
Hi, Sorry I did not make it clear, the tree was over 20 feet high, and now we have 6 sprouts growing from the base, so we will have to remove the dead tree and replant the new ones.
Do I take some of the roots with the cutting ?
Thanks very much, Ann & Tony
9 Jun, 2011
If you really need to move them, then let them get old enough to have their own roots before you dig them up. Meanwhile, cut the old trunk to the base, but don't grind the stump, obviously.
11 Jun, 2011
Thank you very much, I will do that.
Ann & Tony
11 Jun, 2011
Cut off the old dead stem and let the new ones take over, there is no need to move them. Unless you want to re-site the plant.
8 Jun, 2011