Replanting palm trees in November !
By Alex1
United Kingdom
We have just been given a 3m tall palm tree - but its leaves are almost all red !
Its seams very healthy.
We dug out and transfered it within 24 hrs and panted into good quality top soil.
Do we need to water it ?
Feed it ?
Any care tips would be appreciated...........
Many thanks
20 Nov, 2008
Yes as NP said, Water it every day for about a week, even if it rains..Also you dont feed plants in winter because they stop growing and go to "sleep" your palm could look sick ie droopy for a while but with a bit of Luck it should recover...Sounds like a Cordyline from your discription..
20 Nov, 2008
Hi Alex. Assuming Dee is right (and I think she is. Hi Dee you haven't been around for a few days) then your cordy will probably suffer from shock from the transplanting. This is going to make it very susceptible to other environmental factors. As it is red it will be somewhat sensitive, even at 3 metres, to temperature. And a cold snap is coming, starting today. You don't say where you are in the UK but I assume it is not west Cornwall or the Scillies so you are likely to get a frost. I would get some decent fleece round it ASAP and leave it on for its first winter.
If the worst should happen and it should die back then do not give up on it and just dig it up. I have nursed these back from apparently dead to full health and they are hardier for it. The bad news is that it may take a year or two to cut back in and then several years to get back to a good size.
21 Nov, 2008
would it help to cut a lot of the leaf of so the plant sends more energy to the roots ?
21 Nov, 2008
If it has any browning leaves I would pull (not cut) them off NP. But I think the small gain of cutting it right back would be lost in the years it would spend regrowing them.
21 Nov, 2008
Forgot about Fleecing, Duh...Hi John, and NP, Iv'e been around but just browsing, I have a head cold and had no energy But Thank God it wasn't The Man Flu or i would of been in Intensive care :))))
21 Nov, 2008
very funny daisy lol no need
21 Nov, 2008
Sarraceniac. I have just read the above. I moved a Cordyline about 7 weeks ago which was about 6 feet tall. We struggled to get the roots complete as 2 feet down, the ground was hard clay. It was too dense to dig into, and part of the main root snapped off. We still re-planted it in our garden, and it has ropes tied to support it in winds. It gets watered twice per day, even in rain. The lower leaves are now turning yellow (with brown tips) but as yet the ones on the top are still green, and a new one is about to 'open'. If it goes completely yellow we won't give up on it and will continue to water each day. Have you ever had one this sick that you have 'nursed' back to health?
28 Apr, 2010
yes you water just about everything in sun or rain .i mite leave the feeding a little while maybe
20 Nov, 2008