By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Growing Aubretia....
I've asked some of the experts on here what I am doing wrong with these young I am adding a photo!
I think they look rather spindly and weak.
1) Should I pinch them out?
2)Should I now plant them out...either in pots or straight into the garden?
3) Am I doing something wrong?...more than likely!
Thanks for your patience!

9 Jun, 2011
Really? Well, you live and learn, Drc726! I think I've watered them too much...on top too! I think I will put them out this weekend...didn't realise they thrived in poor soil. Durrrr!
9 Jun, 2011
Hope they thrive for you, Izzy...once planted in your garden.
10 Jun, 2011
Izzy the self sets in my garden all start of looking like that.
10 Jun, 2011
WHY do I never get plants self-setting, I wonder?I'd love to find NEW plants there with no help from me!
Yes, I've just stuck them in this afternoon, Annella! I'm probably fretting too much about them.
Do you cut them back after flowering? My older ones look pretty do I just take the shears to them too? LOL.
10 Jun, 2011
Thanks Whistonlass...'This woman doth fuss too much, perchance?' ....It's been a bad week!
10 Jun, 2011
I cut them back quite hard and they soon green up again. Be careful when you weed around them you may have some babies.
10 Jun, 2011
Yes I cut mine right back to after flowering to make them bushy and avoid that straggly look.
10 Jun, 2011
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They look much as I would expect them to at this stage. I would pinch out the tips now and plant on in quite poor gritty soil, they work well in a rockery or on walls and they dont like water on top while young. I just scatter this seed where I want it to grow you might want to try that to?
9 Jun, 2011