We want to purchase a brightly coloured flowering shrub for a small area One that does not grow too tall or spread too far Any ideas?
By Jacksondscar
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
We want to purchase a brightly coloured flowering shrub for a small area One that does not grow too tall or spread too far Preferably evergreen Any ideas?
11 Jun, 2011
One of the bright leaved Spireas (not evergreen) but comes on early in the Spring. Has lovely leaf colour. Tolerant of some shade. Can be trimmed a little or severely cut back. Pretty pink flowers and drought tolerant too. Good Autumn colour too. Plenty to choose at the average GC.
11 Jun, 2011
Photinia LITTLE Red Robin.
11 Jun, 2011
Penstemon heterophylus (Heavenly or Electric Blue). Early bloomer that will flower for most of the summer with regular dead heading.
Or maybe Gaura, which should also bloom most of the summer too.
12 Jun, 2011
Thank you so much for all your very helpful replies
28 Jun, 2011
Previous question
Where are you in the UK and how much sun light does your small area get? Possibilities include Cytisus which needs full sun; dwarf Rhododendron, semi-shade and acid soil; Lantana, well drained soil in full sun; Pieris, full sun and acid to neutral soil; Skimmias, part to full shade acid to neutral soil and can be dry or moist. I'm sure other members will give you lots of other suggestions.
11 Jun, 2011