By Bezandy
United Kingdom
I have been growing some potatoes in bags, they look healthy but the stalks and leaves are about three feet high is it likely the nutrients are all going to the tops or could they produce reasonable potatoes?
Thankyou Andrew Rose
11 Jun, 2011
That's reassuring, Steragram! I was just about to commiserate with Andrew as mine are exactly the same in bags. Mine are just coming into flower and have masses of tall, green foliage. I presume that they flower and then will be about ready to harvest when foliage dies?
11 Jun, 2011
Thankyou for your reply, I feel reassured by that.
12 Jun, 2011
Usually, Izzy. But you can scrabble around in the compost until you find a potato or two, when you can judge if they are the size you want.
16 Jun, 2011
The leaves are making nutrients from the air and water, in addition to the ones they take from the soil. They store these in the tubers so your potatoes will not be poorer because you have lots of leaves.
11 Jun, 2011