By Cliveanne
United Kingdom
My pond has now settled down to it's natural level, leaving a fair amount of liner exposed in places. I have recently taken moss from one area of the garden & replanted it near to the pond edging, hopefully it will take up residence there. This has given me the idea of covering the other areas with moss. What I need is a moss dense enough to be pinned in some areas so as to establish itself (I am probably relying on capillary action to keep the moss at least damp. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Sorry I can not supply a photo of the moss already transplanted, the camera has gone away with my son.
12 Jun, 2011
Thank you for that Drc726.
I have just looked at the 'emerald cushion blue' I did have one years ago but lost it. It is a bit too large for the areas I have in mind, but looking into planting one (or two) near to the pond anyway.
Dryas octopetala looks to be a good bet. I think I could root these under the slabs & they can spread over a period of time.
I think I have just added more to my shopping list :-)
12 Jun, 2011
12 Jun, 2011
Thats a lovely pond and I know this is not a moss! but these 2 plants do on my pond just what you are asking the moss to do - worthy of consideration Firstly Phlox subulata 'emerald cushion blue' it has spread over the edges of my pond its evergreen and flowers in the spring. Secondly Dryas octopetala or Mountain Avens again evergreen which flowers in the spring then has cotton heads in the summer. these are great also for protecting the pond wild life such as frogs and newts as they come and go.
12 Jun, 2011