which is the best grass for very hot country with not a lot of rain
By Vinokid
i am looking for the best grass seed for my garden in turkey,some say canada grass.some say the grass they have in south africa
26 Nov, 2008
Poannuna :-)
I love the name! So appropriate for you to answer. Yeah, I would agree with that suggestion. However Vinokid, might bring something in that might compete with his own native vegetation. Greece and Turkey have the world's largest genepool of Native Wheat varieties. Somehow, I would think that somewhere in Istanpool or other large city suitable grass seed could be found.
I for one would not knowingly bring buffalo grass or something foreign into such a unique biosphere.
Poa, I am sure you've been asked this before. Do you go dormant in the winter, or just go to seed?
26 Nov, 2008
Secateur. A bit of both. I used the name because of the Sparrows which eat the seed and now we weedkill I dont see so many Sprarrows.. I also admire it as a plant that can survive by having three flowerings in one year,annual Tahat is why the seed is so important to the House Sparrrows. I had only just realised that when I joined thei Forum.
Hope you find a suitable grass or substitute, there may be other ground covering carpeters that would be better than grass.
27 Nov, 2008
Sorry I am a bit late answering your question dated 26th November, but I have another suggestion. I have been talking to my Grandson who is a Plant breeder in Adalaid University, Australia,specialising in breeding Wheat for Drought and Hot Countries. He said that in Adalaid a part of the world where they need drought tolarant grasses they use Couch grass it feels rather rough under foot, but the way it spreads over the ground with stolens and its stay green ability makes it a tough survivor. They even use it there for football pitches. So for what its worth!. As I have said before, there is no such thing as a weed, it is only a plant growing in the wrong place!!!! we bless the couch here in our country with our rain fall, as it spreads and is deep rooted and hard to get rid of, but now we know, it does have its place in the world. Hope this is of help to you.
29 Nov, 2008
I am guessing but how about Kentucky Blue Grass. South Africa sounds more suitable than Canada. Why not see if you can find what grows wild in your area and save some seed from it?Good Luck.
26 Nov, 2008