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What temperature do Aeonium arboreums prefer?


By Carjo

United Kingdom

We've just brought a pot of three 2foot aeonium arboreums into the house. Have noted previous answers to winter care problems but what sort of temperature do they prefer. We have warm south facing room with heating or a north facing room which is cooler

On plant Aeonium arboreum (both Schwazkopf and plain green)



I think you are fairly safe with either Carjo. The advantage of the warm room is that it is south facing and the Aeonium does like sun, but won't be so worried in winter. It is however half hardy, not tender so will be quite happy in the cooler room. It can stand periods of drought but if it is in a central heated room it will have to be watched to make sure it doesn't spend too long dry. The occasional misting may help.

Bit vague Carjo but I hope it helps.


26 Nov, 2008


I would add, I keep them alive in a COOL greenhouse. I try to keep it at 45. F but sometimes in dips to 40. F. They are fine and as Sarraceniac said they are pretty tough

Overwatering is your biggest concern Keep them on the dry side. Their leaves will droop when they need some extra care. Use some rain water when you can to flush the salts and chlorine that tap water might contain.

A. Schwarzkopf is a great plant!, I put it into a robin blue pot and added one of my blue Senecios with it. Then added a red Jovibarba (Hueffeli) and some yellow blooming Delosperma. It was a nice combo.

26 Nov, 2008


You may find A.Schwarzkopf losing its purple colour during the winter - this is due to lower light levels. Come spring, out in bright daylight, it will turn dark again

26 Nov, 2008


If you are keeping them on a window sill make sure you turn the pot occasionally or the heads will lean excessively in one direction. This Summer was so dull that some of mine never really got black enough.

26 Nov, 2008


I leave mine in the greenhouse without any heat untill it becomes very cold /freezing then the heater is switch on to about 40.F .... 45 F .

I hardly water them at all in the winter .......

I lift the pot ... if it feels heavy it,s o.k ..if it feels light it needs a drop of water , it very rarely feels light . I have several and they seem to survive it .

26 Nov, 2008


I have a very sad small Aeonium Arboreum what any special soil or positions. It doesnt die but it doesnt thrive either.

8 May, 2009


i had 2 of these and they were thriving and a deep purple colour and hubby moved them in to the garage and they took off and got big he then moved them in to the shed and they died. where they were so big and the cold got to them they couldn't support them selves and died :(
i tried so hard to keep them ok i checked on them and they were bigger everytime i saw them but now they are gone. i am gutted (can you tell) as i love them.
i think they liked the warmth of the tumble dryer in the garage.

13 Dec, 2010

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