Worm Mounds
By Jmc
United Kingdom
My lawn is like a mud bath due to being inundated with worm mounds. I was told that if I used diluted vinegar this would get rid of the worms without harming them. Any ideas
26 Nov, 2008
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lawn care
I agree with Telme, my lawn is also covered, i am proud to say i have a very high population of worms in my garden, - i do not use lawn weed killer at all, i actually like the natural look with a few daisys and clovers. and yes the worm piles are a pain this time of year, but your lawn will recover, mine does every year, if you see my most recent pic's you will see what a state mine is in at the moment, but with a bit of hole poking and some feed in the spring and a few good cuts and i know it will be back to its velvity lushness in no time, and so will yours. i am not sure if vinigar will harm the worms, but they are a very necessary part of a healthy garden, they are very much the gardeners friend - not a pest, so i would just leave well alone if i were you
27 Nov, 2008
I remember reading somewhere that you shouldn't walk on the lawn in winter, but since my garden (field) is mainly grass it's the only way from A to B and further at the moment.I have masses of worm piles but as I rather like the worms themselves I don't really mind.
They say dogs look like their owners, and in my case I think that's probably true. Maybe the same can be said of lawns - in which case mine is certainly like myself - not very neat, edges a bit uneaven, bumpy here and there, and very wild in places!
27 Nov, 2008
Think of them as free gardeners. I charge 14.00 an hour. That is in US currency, not in pounds.
They are doing a great job of aerating your lawn. It is free! Check out the cost of renting a power tool to do the same job.
I would add two cautions. Vinegering these areas may kill the worms, change the Ph. Affect other micro-organisms etc. Use it to kill seedling weeds if you have to, but not for this. Copper Bordeaux, often (I do) used in spraying fruit trees also affects worms. It also may affect the sprayer.
Just rake these areas flat and be grateful that nature hasn't sent its own answer back to you. MOLES.
My own feeling on the latter and some of my warlike answers to Moles would make Telme cringe. I do however totally agree with her philosophy. Sometimes though I slip through the cracks. I only pray that GOD is not a mollusk or insect. Do remember that of the species created, insects are some of his/her favorite creatures -- not the two footed thing we pride ourselfs in.
28 Nov, 2008
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Lucky You! there is a great concern these days as to the lack of worms in the lawns as they are on the decreas, we used to have a lot but the blackbirds have done a very good job of reducing them, they stamp up and down on the lawn and up pops the worm and thats his breakfast! Blackbirds we have a lot of,but wonder if the lawn weed killers have played a part in reducing them. We used to brush the castings over lightly with a broom and try not to walk on it in the winter, lets the air into the soil, nicely. How things are changing over the years, in our more densley populated country.
27 Nov, 2008