By Trevorallen
United Kingdom
I have two large Hebe bushes at the front of the house that have become too large for their position. They are full of buds at the moment. I did prune them quite hard after flowering last autumn but they are bigger than ever. They have been there a long time - well before we moved here. Can I drastically reduce their size without killing them? If so when and how should I do it?
13 Jun, 2011
Thanks to countrydwel - I'll keep cutting!
13 Jun, 2011
Previous question
Well, it seems you are in the same position as us Trevorallen, we have hebes as well and it seems that the more you cut them back the more they like it and grow even bigger. We have several species of shrub like that, they just get too big. May seems to be the best time for pruning, but it may be that they will keep on grwoing:)
13 Jun, 2011