By Grumps
United Kingdom
when should i feed my new lawn it is 2weeks old and when to cut this thankyou christopher.
13 Jun, 2011
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lawn care
Yes it's turf. Okay, so waiting for a few more weeks is recommended. I'll keep the mower in the shed a little longer then! Thanks for the reply.
13 Jun, 2011
I agree and most turf suppliers tell you not to walk on it for 3 weeks which is usually when it gets its first cut, which should not be a low cut either. water, water, water, till established and think about feeding next spring.
13 Jun, 2011
Right - well that's helpful to get a second opinion. The rain's certainly helping it take root! Thanks.
14 Jun, 2011
Another way to check it's establishing is to give a gentle pull at the edge to see if the roots are knitting down into the soil.
Try and avoid standing on it too :)
15 Jun, 2011
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Is it turf Christopher? I think if you read the boxes of weed/feed, they recommend waiting 6 months at least. Plus if it's turf it's probably the case that it's been fed by the growers. I'd certainly keep watering it in the meantime.
Leave it another couple of weeks before even considering cutting it, even then just give it the highest cut you can, just a trim, until it establishes itself.
13 Jun, 2011