By Cliveanne
United Kingdom
Last year I was walking past a garden when I had a chat with a local. He was weeding out some small yellow flower from his lawn. I have seen these growing wild in the local open spaces all small & ground hugging, his comments were not very nice, but in short, I asked him for one (of several) which he more than happily gave me.
Some of my walking group call it "Egg & Bacon plant"...Yellow, with a pinkish tinge to the flower, makes sense I suppose.
Sorry about the quality of the picture but the camera is away & I only had the 'phone to use

14 Jun, 2011
Can't really see clearly, but is it Bird's Foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)?
14 Jun, 2011
It's Lotus corniculatus. Thanks folks, some might call it a weed, but for now, it is a flower ;-)
15 Jun, 2011
Eutaxia is one of the egg and bacon plants. Not sure if its this one.
14 Jun, 2011