By Sunbeam
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hi All, my early potatoes in patio bags have lots of foliage but no flowers yet - is this a problem and should I feed them?
15 Jun, 2011
hi, I have the same problem and I have grown several varieties in bags, namely Home Guard, Kestrel, Charlotte and International Kidney.
The only spud with flowers is Harmony, one which I grew from a bag of Asda spuds.
Temptation is to turn Home Guard out, and see if there are any potatoes. This is supposed to be a early cropper and I planted them approx ten weeks ago.
As this is my first attempt to grow potatoes in bags or any other way I'm not sure when one should harvest them
15 Jun, 2011
I was thinking the same about my 'Roosters'. Beautiful healthy shaws but no flowers, so perhaps they won't flower either ......
16 Jun, 2011
I too have some with flowers and some without...I too am slightly puzzled about WHEN to harvest them so will follow this thread to see what the experts say!
16 Jun, 2011
I'm just going to store mine in their bags until I need them, probably just stick my hand in and have a ferret about to see if I can find anything!!
I think mine are a bit later in the season - my mum and dad traditionally have their first 'boiling's around mid-July for their earlies.
16 Jun, 2011
I seem to remember that was when my dad dug out the first 'earlies', Donna...mid I'll have a rummage around then!
16 Jun, 2011
Turned Homeguard out, there were quite a few spuds, but may have benefited from being left a little longer. They were absolutely delicious.
I think that potatoes are ready to harvest when the leaves have turned yellow. Will check in my book.
21 Jun, 2011
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« Hi everyone, my potatoes in patio bags are earlies and have lots of foliage but no...
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Not all potato varieties produce flowers, Sunbeam, so this is OK. Any feed should have been in the compost to start with so there is no point in feeding now. If they have lots of foliage now I am sure that the potaoes will be growing down below.
15 Jun, 2011