The Hardy Plant Society- worth joining?
By Hazel
United Kingdom
A friend said I ought to try joining the Hardy Plant society in the UK and going along to a local meeting...I wondered if any of you are members and/or would recommend it? I looked on their website but there isnt much info and I don't know if it would be worth the yearly subscritpion costs or not. I'd certainly love to meet local like minded gardeners and swap plants, etc, but don't know if this would be the best way to go about it.
11 Mar, 2008
Thanks very much, Spritzhenry, I think I will go along to their next meeting then and give it a try. Luckily it seems from the internet site they hold our local group meetings in the same place each time, only a few miles from my home. I'll let you know how I get on!
12 Mar, 2008
A friend in the village does belong to the 'local' group - she says they have several meetings a year and she enjoys some of the speakers and the plant swap stall!!! I don't really feel the urge to go - it's a long journey each time as they don't meet in the same place. The speakers vary, too. Why don't you go as a visitor and check it out? You need to find out how local is local - if the members are far-spread, like here, then it won't be as useful as if they are close to you. As an alternative, is there a local gardening club in your area?
12 Mar, 2008