By Sunbeam
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
any suggestions please for vegetables which will grow in patio bags in partial shade down the side of my house- the position has full sun for a few hours, then the sun moves across but it is still quite light.
16 Jun, 2011
carrots like sunlight so i wouldn't go for them....i grow exhibition carrots in barrells 6 feet apart and the ones that get the most sunlight are noticably better....
16 Jun, 2011
Scrumpygran all vegetables grow better in full sun but carrots will grow in part shade, not to the size of your exhibition ones but to a size where they can be eaten, our son's veg. growing area is part shade and he gets carrots of a reasonable size. Experiment Sunbeam and see what works and doesn't work for you.
17 Jun, 2011
Just pointing out how reducing the sunlight received by 4 hours a day makes a big difference, certainly on foliage...what is happening below ground remains to be seen. My normal carrots down the allotment are grown as nature intended.
As long as at least 5 hours of good sunlight a day is achieved in summer...if such a thing is possible these days...then you may get away with it. Nothing less. My reading of the original question was that she'd get less than that.
17 Jun, 2011
Thanks - that's great , never thought of carrots, turnip or brassicas, I've got some sprouting broccoli plants left that I can't plant at the allotment (cos of my leg being in plaster!) but I can manage patio bags.
17 Jun, 2011
Scrumpygran we and our son grow veggies with less than 5 hours direct daylight... You are looking at optimum conditions - most of us don't have that! Way back as a child in the early 50s my father explained the difference between optimum conditions and what you had. He still managed to grow a heck of a lot of veggies. Enjoy growing your 'perfect' show bench veg. and recognise that the rest of us just grow what we can in the space we have.
Please don't knock anyone who is trying to grow their own... Think of ways to encourage them!
17 Jun, 2011
not knocking anyone.....though there is nothing worse than encouraging people to grow things in the wrong place so that when things don't grow well they give up.
I grow show bench veg, and normal veg. The difference being the seeds sown and care given.
My show veg is grown in a space of 25 foot by 4 foot, where i try to grow "perfecetion"....hardly any space at all. Just onions and carrots.
However, normal household veg is grown in 5 times that amount of space. As i said, the normal veg is left to nature down the allotment, just different soil preparation for the different beds.Conditions are far from ideal with a wood behind, tall trees to the side, meaning i don't get optimum light, and plenty of wildlife trying to feed on everything, everything from mice to rabbits to foxes to pigeons, with the usual slugs and snails and earwigs and aphids,etc,etc.So just like everone else, the majority of my veg comes with a fine selection of slugs attached to the cabbages, forked split carrots, holes in my spuds and so on
I grow in pots, grow bags, have tried peat composts, non peat, growing in shade, full light. For example, the best salad onions i ever had were left over exhibition onion seedlings grown in 24 compartment seed tray inserts. So now, my white lisbon are all grown in seed trays.
Now i've never tried brassicas in grow bags, for the simple reason that they like well manured firm soil...not something you usually find in a grow bag...unless of course i've got that wrong.
I have grown lettuce in them successfully, beetroot, raddish, peppers, runner beans in deep they would do with not much sunlight i don't know, but they would be suitable crops to try.
And of course, tomatoes.
17 Jun, 2011
Because our son is in a military quarter he has to grown everything in grow bags or containers as he is not allowed to dig up an area of the garden. Whilst he does not get the best brassicas in the world they do grow for him. I totally agree that it is better to grow all veg. directly in the ground - which is what we do.
18 Jun, 2011
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any of the salad type veg should do okay aside from tomatoes. Bit late for planting brassicas but you could give it a try if you can buy plants. The bags aren't deep enough for full size carrots but you could grow them to finger size and use raw in salads or lightly steamed, same with Milan turnip which can be used at golf ball size and definitely needs to be used before it gets bigger than a tennis ball.
16 Jun, 2011