i would like to know the best way to start off my bare root monardas and astrantias does any one have any advice, should i use my unheated greenhouse or just put them outside thank you
United Kingdom
do not have any photos yet or there names
3 Dec, 2008
Cover roots with compost in a seed tray, keep in a cool place. (cool greenhouse floor).
Plant out in situ when ground is frost free.
3 Dec, 2008
Sorry Bob. You got me back. I forgot to add, don't plant out in frosty or frozen ground. <Blush>
3 Dec, 2008
I would agree with Docbob - I'd pot them up and keep in my coldframe until the spring, now.
P.S. John is an optimist!!!! Glad he added his second comment!!!!
3 Dec, 2008
John, I can feel the heat of your blushing from here, Let's just say we need to leave something for the others to post.
3 Dec, 2008
One thing to note with monarda - although they like moist soil during the growing season, they will not tolerate excessively wet soil over winter. Something to consider when you are deciding where to plant them
3 Dec, 2008
I had a similar situation with a collection of perennials that were given to me about this time of year 2 years ago. Some I put straight in the garden ( and I think there was a cold snap then too ) and some I potted up for the next spring. Those that were potted up and kept for the next spring did best.
4 Dec, 2008
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Hi Hemming2earth (why do people pick long names, lol) all types of both these are fully hardy. You say bare rooted, so I assume you just bought them. If you got them from a decent nursery then they will have been grown outside and you will be fine just planting them out. If in doubt, contact the nursery but I reckon the plants will be hardened. If you have loads of room in your greenhouse and are exceptionally nervous then it won't hurt to put them in there until spring. If, like most of us, your greenhouse is bursting full in winter then put them out and don't lose any sleep.
3 Dec, 2008