By Harrharry10
United Kingdom
I have bought a recently potted up Acer from a nursery ( it was potted from a show garden) they told me not to repot it this year at the moment it is standing in a shady boarder. The tips of the leaves have browned as if they have coaught the frost. It has rained alot over the last few days. Could you give me guidance so I can save this plant?
17 Jun, 2011
If the acer was on a show garden and then potted up it will need lots and lots of watering even if it rains. The tree has been stressed and needs to grow new fine water absorbing roots.
17 Jun, 2011
And even an established tree in a pot will need watering by you - rain or no rain, enough of it doesn't get into the pot.
17 Jun, 2011
Hopefully you can plant in the ground come autumn.
17 Jun, 2011
I bought a couple of these £3 acers from tesco. I potted them into larger pots with ericaceous compost and have stuck them under my standard Acer til I feel they are strong enough to go into the garden. Leaves aren't great but they are producing more so do as advised and hopefully you will have a fine healthy specimen.
17 Jun, 2011
I have a feeling that when Acers are moved from place to place, repotted, get too dry, or just want to be annoying, they sulk by getting this leaf scrivel. I get mine from Tesco for £3 (not the best place for superb care of plants for sale) and it did a scrivel too, but now seems Ok, but should have ericaceous compost. I was doing a blog yesterday when I realised this....another disturbance.....shucks.
17 Jun, 2011