By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
FAO Julien...
Hi Julien,
I thought I would upload these two images of my Clematis 'Corona' in flower at the moment.It has produced 9 flowers ...for the first time since planting it last year!
Thank you for your advice a few months ago, Julien. NOW...can you just confirm the pruning advice...not cut this back this year?

18 Jun, 2011
Hello, did not see this question below your other one, i would let it get going a little before pruning, this belongs to group 2 pruning, and can be pruned in the early spring, but you dont need to be ruthless, come down on some of the long shoots to healthy pairs of buds, this will keep it more compact lower down rather than all the flowers being high up and the base all bare, this clematis if old and very bare at the base, can be cut hard back to a couple of feet from the ground and will send new shoots up, let it get more established before pruning.
18 Jun, 2011
Thanks Julien! I thought I'd prune it back a little after flowering, as you say. I'm just pleased it flowered at all...did absolutely nothing last year!
19 Jun, 2011
Previous question
Now I've uploaded the photos, it looks a bit rain-battered! It DID look very good a few days ago! :-))
18 Jun, 2011