By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Pittosporum tenuifolium...
Having lost two other Pittosporums, including another tenuifolium and a Tom Thumb, I'm trying to hang on to this one shown in the photographs.
As you can see, I have some new leaf growth from the bottom branches and VERY slowly moving upwards.
Two questions:
Is it worth persevering with this? Am I likely to get much more new leaf cover?
Should I cut it back as all the new growth is on the front of the shrub...NOTHING at the back! Is that part dead?
Would like to hear what YOU think!

18 Jun, 2011
Hmmm, just concerns me that it is going to look rather odd...all front and no back! Last week I was going to cut out all the deadwood ...but I chickened out! I've never had this problem before!
My husband thinks we should dig it up ...and plant another one. I'm dithering...badly!LOL.
18 Jun, 2011
You could try cutting all the back part away and leave the front part and hope that it greens up, you have a few signs of growth lower down so maybe it may work but having said that it will be a slow process, most of the pittosporums i have come across in Derby have been totally killed off, see what it looks like after pruning and if you do decide to replace it with another then i would try and give it some protection if we get another harsh winter, i will shortly post the pictures i promised of the clematis montana, before flowering, in flower, and one of the montana being hard pruned.
18 Jun, 2011
Hi Izzy
All is not lost, I had this problem with mine and cut it right back to bare wood on 18 May, I have taken regular photos of how well it is doing and tomorrow I will post the Blog/photos on its progress and exactly what I did.
18 Jun, 2011
It looks doomed, doesn't it :-/
I think i'd cut it right down and see if it keeps sprouting from the base because nothing's sprouting from these main stems.
19 Jun, 2011
No dont please not till I post my blog today.
19 Jun, 2011
Thanks for all your input. I think I'll wait now and see Drc's blog...I'm really curious!
19 Jun, 2011
I am sorting it now and have to take more photos first it will be about an hour Izzy - about noon, look for it on blogs.
19 Jun, 2011
Previous question
« FAO Julien... Hi Julien, I thought I would upload these two images of my...
I lost one too this winter and waited and waited in hope but nothing. The bare parts are dead and might as well be cut out and then see what it looks like and decide when you have done that.
18 Jun, 2011