How tall do lalandi trees grow?
By Gillypopham
We live in south west France in a large rural farmhouse. we have aprox 50 lalandi trees edging our land of 3 acres planted about 3 feet apart. Does anyone have any idea how tall these trees grow at the moment they are about 45 foot tall and we are concerned they may keep growing!
Thankyou for your help
5 Dec, 2008
to be frank, they are a complete menace. We've just got rid of ours. Just be sure you want to keep them, before the removal job becomes too difficult or expensive.
Mind you, I did have fun slaying them, but it took AGES!
5 Dec, 2008
I am a bit more optimistic. I agree with the two previous posts, but at that close spacing you are approaching their maximum height.
I am encouraging one of my clients to get rid of them as we speak.
Redwood trees and Monterey cypress have also been used as hedge plants. Of the three the Monterey Cypress is the best bet. Grown in such close spacing they can never approach their individual growth maximum.
The Monterey Cypress responds to hedging the best.
6 Dec, 2008
I would expect 100ft. to be about normal, living where you do probably taller. but I doubt if they will grow taller than the wind will permit, Probably keep growing until blown over.
5 Dec, 2008