time saving tips
By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
like a tips board fog gardeners to look at and add to.it would help everyone a lot.you get them in womanns mgas.for instance taping an open envelope under wear you have to drill a hole.save a the mes.something like that would be brilliant on here.ill give you a couple.never have soil next to wood unless you want it to rot quick.and the other garden tip is dont let soil go over the damp course of your house ow and grow the spreading variety of bamboo ia a stong plastic bucket.mines in a large childs one.anyway i beg you im on my knee lol
if you look closley you can see the bucket.im going to hide it with natural stone or more likley a mad sculptuere

9 Dec, 2008
9 Dec, 2008
Good idea NP. I would use it a lot, also it would be great for New gardeners...
9 Dec, 2008
What's with the ? Np... are you looking for the link??? It's right at the bottom of this page and it says 'Contact us'. They always respond when I send a message via this route!
9 Dec, 2008
its alright i done it now thanx spritz
9 Dec, 2008
Previous question
« I am probably one of the last people to realise this, but just in case you're...
I suggested this to P&A many moons ago - if you contact them via the link at the bottom of the page, it might well be added to the list!
9 Dec, 2008