By Scotkat
All my Orchids are growing flower spikes I am so thrilled.
I had my very first rebloom this year and now my 14 are all growing fast in my conservatory.
Anyone else grow Orchids ?
21 Jun, 2011
So excited just taken photos but is dull as its pouring of yes rain .
And its the longest day our wedding anniversary .
Certainly not June weather.
I will post photos later.
21 Jun, 2011
This is why we garden!!
21 Jun, 2011
I have a few - the usual Phals, along with Oncidium, Paphiopedilum, Cattleya, Dendrobium, Cymbidium, Pleonies and a Habernaria (radiatta).
Phals are the easiest, but the one that will not rebloom for me is Oncidium!
Cymbidiums are easy - put them outdoors for the summer and keep them on the cooler side in autumn and winter. You should then have flowers late winter/spring.
22 Jun, 2011
oh well done, i had odontoglossan, phealanopsis, and cymbidium. pheleanopsis, moth orchid seemed easiest, cant get cymbidium to flower though. if u are lucky you may see babys coming on the stems, called kikis...
21 Jun, 2011