By Deckingman
United Kingdom
looking for a really rampant climber to cover part wall and wooden fence.
come on you lot get ya thinking caps oan
21 Jun, 2011
The most rampant climber, which comes with a health warning, is the 'Mile-a-minute Vine' - Fallopia baldshuanica. However, I don't think you'd seriously want to plant it, nor am I seriously suggesting that you do! It really is a menace and would cover your house as well as the wall and fence.
Being serious now -
Parthenocissus are beautiful foliage vines...there are several to choose from. Wonderful autumn colours.
I'd add to the Clematis list the C. cirrhosa group, as they flower in the winter and are evergreen. My favourite is C. cirrhosa 'Lansdowne Gem'. It has a few flowers on it now, as a bonus! :-)
21 Jun, 2011
If its just a cover you want in a large area Hops, Virginia creeeper and Ivy.
21 Jun, 2011
I thought the most rampant climber was Russian Vine?
I have a Clematis Montana 'mile-a-minute' and I find it not exactly a fast grower - slow to be honest.
21 Jun, 2011
Russian Vine is another name for Mile a Minute, the Fallopia Spritz mentions, Kildermorie and as far as I'm concerned it should never be planted anywhere. So when Spritz says mile a minute, she doesn't mean Clematis montana. It's those blasted common names again, causing confusion, as usual.
21 Jun, 2011
Sorry for any confusion - I 'did' add the latin name! I totally agree about the dratted plant, Bamboo - but Deckingman did ask for a rampant climber - and that's the most rampant one I know. :-((((((
21 Jun, 2011
Well, I suppose if he wants to cover and area 60 feet by 60 feet, it'd do the job.
21 Jun, 2011
And then some...
21 Jun, 2011
How about Akebia quinata, the chocolate vine. This is a twining climber that is quite rampant once it gets going. It has fascinating dark purple flowers. Or Vitis coignitae, with huge leaves that colour bright red in autumn. you would need to put wires on the wall for it to cling to. On the wooden fence, staple bean and pea netting. This is invisible from a couple of feet away but provides lots for the tendrils to get hold of.
21 Jun, 2011
I have a Russian vine I inherited here...the only thing in the garden.. and agree that it is rampant. I keep it in check by hacking it back all summer. HOWEVER, when it is in flower, it's actually quite pretty.
21 Jun, 2011
We had one that covered an old building at the end of our last garden. I quite liked the frothy white flowers. You couldn't see the ugly building, that's for sure. ;-))
21 Jun, 2011
Rosa "Kiftsgate" will do the job....;)
21 Jun, 2011
Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica 'Halliana')
22 Jun, 2011
Clematis armandii, clematis montana and clematis viticella all come in different varieties and colours and are vigorous climbers.
21 Jun, 2011