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Christmas Cactus


By Peteg

Bristol, United Kingdom

Mine are just starting to come into flower - How are everyone else's doing? (Edit: Just noticed pic is pretty awful - excuse: New camera-phone, new technology partially defeating me!)

On plant Schlumbergera bridgesii



Mine is in the kitchen so the flowers have mostly finished. I should have moved it to a cooler place. Bad mistake. Yours is lovely!

12 Dec, 2008


Hi SpritzH - I'm back again like the proverbial 'bad euro' after some major emergency house repairs and a bit more poor health <hugs doctor gratefully>. I absolutely *love* my Christmas Cactuses - such a beautiful show in the deadliest part of the year!!

12 Dec, 2008


I have never had much luck with these plants. Apparently if you do not keep them in the same position ,the new buds will fall off!!!

12 Dec, 2008


They're certainly not too keen on change, Wyeboy - I keep mine in a cool-ish, bright-ish, window through the spring, summer and autumn until the flower buds have established (usually a few weeks after the hours of daylight really start to decrease) then I move them carefully to a display position. They don't seem to mind as long as I'm careful with them *and* I don't put them somewhere brightly lit or too warm, otherwise the flowering comes to a dead stop and their bits drop off! They're really worth it if you can get them to flower, though. Keep trying!!

12 Dec, 2008


Mine usually has another 'go' at flowering a bit later on! Next time I shall move it to a cooler place.

Hi Pete! Welcome back - sorry to hear that you've had problems. Hmmm. Bristol does not have euros. I know because we did our Christmas shopping at Cribbs on Wednesday! What's Cabot Square like for shopping? Maybe that's got euros. LOL.

12 Dec, 2008


Mine has had it's first flush of flowers and they look slightly sorry for them selves at the moment. But there are more coming through. I'm just going to upload a pick of it now. It's a lighter pink than yours peteq and the flowers dont look so good anymore but you can see it if you go to my photos anyway.

12 Dec, 2008


I have dozens of these plants - every time a piece breaks off I stick it in a jar of water and within 2 or 3 weeks it develops a root system and I pot it on. As a result I have far more plants than I can find room for in my small house and I have left several of them outside on the patio. Up to now they do not seem to have deteriorated despite frosts. Is this unusual?

14 Dec, 2008


Wow, Ron, I think they must be getting some shelter somehow.
I have a Christmas cactus which belonged to my husband before I met him, that was over 24 years ago. It has always lived on the bathroom windowsill, whichever house we have lived in. Last year it shed a lot of its leaves, I really should give it more care and attention, nevertheless it has just started to bud. I am hoping it will bloom while my Mother is staying with us in the New Year.

14 Dec, 2008

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