By Molldoll
United States
What is the yellow lowery substance on vines of clematis. Is it a form of aphids
- 23 Jun, 2011
Something that looks powdery is often a mildew - associated with the soil being too dry around the plants' rootball.
These are such thirsty plants that the base of the rootball will dry out very quickly - use the hosepipe on a slow trickle for 10 minutes each watering session, each week, (more if you're in a hot State) because a watering can won't be enough.
23 Jun, 2011
Could also be rust, that looks yellowish orange and powdery - otherwise, just pollen dust?
23 Jun, 2011
Previous question
I meant.... Yellow powdery substance on clematis vines. Are they bugs?
23 Jun, 2011