By Lauraj
United Kingdom
I am creating a whole new bed...just dug it over. It is a big area and is a bog in winter and moist in summer.
I am planning a Gunnera centre piece and there were already masses of yellow iris...
I just bought five cannas for a pound each at the local garden centre. Marked down on the clearence I correct in thinking they would work with the iris and gunnera ? Are they hardy ? Or would they need winter protection ? I would love to do before and after pics but I can't seem to upload pictures on here ? Thanks in advance. I am loving this forum. A real inspiration.
23 Jun, 2011
Thanks for that...I really wasn't sure. I will put them in a hot sunny corner instead...and yes big pots will be nice. Then I can move them. Thanks
23 Jun, 2011
No, Cannas love water, and there are varieties that can be used as pond plants, but they can't stand cold as well as damp. Unless they can get full sun and high temps of at least 27ยบ C, I would keep them out of the swamp.
25 Jun, 2011
If you actually mean Canna, these aren't plants which like a very damp situation, and unless they're the basic Canna indica, should be lifted and stored for the winter - yours are most likely to be hybrids of C. indica and as such will be safest lifted. Most people grow them in pots. Zantedeschia aethiopica, commonly known as Calla lily, is hardy and does like damp situations though.
23 Jun, 2011