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Looking after a newly laid lawn


By Andrea

Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Does anyone have any tips on keeping lawns in tip-top condition? Ours was relaid in February and we have recently started mowing it- however it has developed lots of brown patches despite the fact that I have watered it regularly. Any tips would be appreciated-our kids have grown up now so I was hoping to have a lovely striped lawn now that no-one is trampling over it!



I am no expert and don't claim to have perfect lawans, but I scarify in autumn and use a autumn feed, then in spring i use weed and feed about april time,it looks awful for a while but soon picks up and usually passes for a lawn in the summer. It has been a very dry spring so plenty of water is the order of the day for new grass. I don't think feed is advised until a lawn has established, I may be wrong, someone else may have better advise for you. Oh and peircing with the garden fork to help the drainage is a good idea too.

24 May, 2007


Thanks for replying - think we may also need to invest in a new mower, ours is quite old and may not be cutting properly.

25 May, 2007


i agree plenty of water.we have re-turfed front and back and waterered every day for three weeks.the results are good so far

25 May, 2007


A new lawn should never be cut too short, lawns in general should never be cut terribly short anyway. A new lawn would definitely not need scarifying for a couple of years at least,give it a chance to settle down with good roots.

30 May, 2007

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