Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
Hi i was wondering when if possible i could grow dianthus <sorry if its the incorrect spelling > from seed in my greenhouse or when the best time to buy plugs for them also looking for some good bedding plants Autumn/winter i usually buy pansys any ideas thanks
26 Jun, 2011
I have Jersey plants catalogue. I'm sure if there were many other flowering plants out there for bed basket/pot, outdoors, over the winter they would be selling them. Primroses, primula, viola and pansy seem to be the main ones on offer. Heurchera for leaf colour is on offer too. Perhaps we gardeners are so spurred on by overwinter flower introductions, to expect too much from the growers.
26 Jun, 2011
all for your replys
27 Jun, 2011
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you can grow dianthus from seed in the spring in an unheated greenhouse. or from cttings anytime in the summer but they wont do as an alternative to the pansy as they dont flower through the winter. they would probably stay as a reasonable mound of foliage though.
26 Jun, 2011