By Lemondrop
United Kingdom
Begonias What could be causing my healthy Begonia flowers to be falling off ? They look like they have been cut from the top of the stem,this has happened about 3 times this week this morning there were 3 laying on the patio.
26 Jun, 2011
I bought them from a market stall no label, they are
upright, different colours, can't really elaborate much more sorry. We have had rain for a couple of days the compost is quite wet. it's just a shame to see these lovely flowers in full bloom laying on the floor.
26 Jun, 2011
I think some plants like begonias and fuchsias take a while to settle after being relocated. Sometimes they do drop flowers and buds......especially if you try to keep them indoors? Let them be quiet in a shady/sheltered place for a while and dry off a bit. Then a little feed and water. They should settle down.
26 Jun, 2011
They aren't indoors, but outside in full sun. I shall do what you say and hope for the best .Thanks for your advice Dorjac.
26 Jun, 2011
I've found that begonias do better in shade or part shade. The stems are quite brittle and snap easily. Perhaps the flowers have broken off under their own weight. Has it been breezy where you are Lemondrop?
26 Jun, 2011
Thanks Beattie.It has been a bit breezy as well as rain so maybe it's a combination of all makes sense now !
26 Jun, 2011
You don't say what type of begonia Lemondrop. Can be they short of water in Lancs at the moment?
26 Jun, 2011