By Dreeny8
United Kingdom
I have a Weigela in the hedge on one side of my front garden . I have pruned it for the past two years since we've lived here, but this year after flowering it looks very ragged and it seems there are a lot of dead branches underneath and has got itself entangled into other shrubs in the hedge. Also, it did not produce so many flowers this year.
My instinct is to cut it right down rather then try and entangle all the twisted branches. I know this will be at the expense of flowers next year, but am I likely to "kill it off" by being so drastic!
26 Jun, 2011
If you cut it back to the first bud or node near the base where it will regrow from then you should be OK. If it is a well established shrub then there is every chance that it will re-grow and look a better shape.
26 Jun, 2011