Whant to know what the name of this plant is? I'm Unsertian
By Johan
South Africa
Small pointy leaves, upright stam

23 Dec, 2008
Hi Johan. I think this is possibly Crassula tregona. One of several tree like Crassulas, If it is it will have a few small white flowers. If Lampranthus it will have lovely daisy like flowers. You are lucky living in a sunshine climate with all my favourite Succulents. Despite the Greenhouse mine get frosted at times.
23 Dec, 2008
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Hi Johan welcome to GoY.....It looks like Lampranthus...the upright sort. Have you seen its flowers?...If it is Lampranthus..it should be planted outside..needs lots of sun...good drainage...any soil. Google it and see.
23 Dec, 2008