By Donnaj1dlh
What pesticides do people use? I've just noticed the appearance of whitefly on my strawberries/blueberries and greenflies on my astrantias .... and there are probably more afflicted plants.
I'd like something preferably organic, safe to use on fruit and veg and probably concentrated so I can dilute it down myself (little sprayguns work out so expensive!).
Cheers for any thoughts.....
27 Jun, 2011
I personally dont use anything, I just let nature do its thing!
27 Jun, 2011
I use soapy water on all outdoor plants and on food plants.
I must admit that I do use a chemical on the ornamental alpine plants and bulbs in the greenhouse as I want immediate results to prevent the spread of any virus infections.
27 Jun, 2011
I try to always use the hose and or soapy water and my hands.
27 Jun, 2011
Soapy water mainly and for slugs, going out at dusk and squishing them.
I am planning on using garlic and soap as a pesticide in future but have not tried it yet.
27 Jun, 2011
Soapy water so long as you are using an Eco friendly washing up liquid...
27 Jun, 2011
Me too, Donna. Try to use as little insecticides as poss. because you'll upset and kill the good insects as well if you use an insecticide. Get the hose out and give them a thorough shower bath!! Annie (Cumbria)
27 Jun, 2011
If I have probs on my veg plants, i spray with garlic water, I personally don't go with soapy water on edibles. For non edibles I use a tomato leaf tea diluted and sprayed on.
28 Jun, 2011
For the greenfly you could try just using the hose to spray them off with water. A good blast with the hose will usually take care of them if you keep at it every couple of days for a while. They don't climb back on the plants.
You could also try soapy water or Neem oil.
27 Jun, 2011