By Jacktar
United Kingdom
I have a beautiful Cherry tree, which has blossomed as it should and produced some good size eating cherries which are almost ready to pick! However some of the leaves have gone blackish and curly at the ends and they have what looks like lots of tiny black bugs on the underside. What could they be and how can I erase them? I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I have a rather large healthy black sambuca close by!!!
27 Jun, 2011
They are nasty sticky blackfly Jacktar. I have them on my Carpenteria shrub. The ants were all over them for the sweet substance they let out. No problem for me as they were on spent blooms which need pruning off anyway......this was done yesterday evening. If the cherry is large it will not mind. If small..... eco suds.... if you are green..... or squirt with insecticide if not. Look at container for use on fruit trees before purchasing.
27 Jun, 2011