By Roger
United Kingdom
Could someone please tell me why my Hydrangea has got curled up brown leaves overnight, It was perfectly OK yesterday and the only thing that has been done to the plant was watering yesterday evening

27 Jun, 2011
Hi Tugbrethil, Thanks for replying to my question , It is planted in the garden and yes It deffinitly was wilting before it was watered .
Thanks Roger
28 Jun, 2011
May have been just a little too late to prevent damage then, Roger. Once they wilt to a certain point, parts of the leaves die. If you can't anticipate--hard in variable weather--keep an eye on the foliage, and water as soon as the leaves lose that subtle sheen, especially the new leaves.
28 Jun, 2011
Thank for the advice, I have added you to my favourites.
Thanks Roger
28 Jun, 2011
Is it in a pot? Was it wilting severely before it was watered?
28 Jun, 2011