The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

My clematis is 2 years old and is in a pot. The leaves are going brown and it has only 3 flowers. I have watered it diligently, but it doesn't look well. What shall I do?



Hi Sue,
Perhaps your Clamatis is soggy. Make sure you pot has adiquate drainage. If you have it in plastic I would change it to a wooden or clay pot to protect the roots from extreme tempretures. Feed should be equal parts nitrogen and phostogen, but you should only feed when the plant is out of bloom, so wait unto Augustish.
Hope this is helpfull.

28 Jun, 2011


I would put it in the ground, deeper than it is in the pot cover the base to keep it cool and water it well and feed 2 weekly.

28 Jun, 2011

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